Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR) has supported our new project "Scientific and engineering foundations of functioning of medical service robots in clinics".
At Institute of medical and biological problems (IMBP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences on December, 22nd 2011 a defence of the dissertation of our researcher Dmitriy A. Kulikov "The correction of functional and organic defects in a case of age involution of thymus, experimental diabetes mellitus, encopresis by transplantation of allogenic tissues" on Ph.D. scientific degree in medical sciences has taken place. Congratulations!
We congratulate our younger research assistant D.G. Lapitana on a victory in the competition ending "UMNIK-2011" ["CLEVER MAN 2011"], which was organised by Fund of assistance to development of small forms of the enterprises in scientific and technical sphere ("FASIE")!
In MONIKI on October, 28th 2011, the scientific Conference of the Central State District (CSD) "Laser technologies in medicine - we look ahead" has taken place. The Conference has been devoted problems of the further development of laser methods, devices and technologies for diagnostics and treatment of diseases.
The scientific seminar by Ph.D. T.A.Yakhno has taken place. Tatyana Anatolevna Yakhno, senior researcher of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Nizhni Novgorod), Ph.D. in biology, presented her new dissertational study on "Modular condition and cooperative reactions of integral blood in norm and a pathology".
The first trainee of our Scientific-Educational Center "Biomedical Engineering" has finished his training on the basis of laboratory on specialization "Noninvasive laser and spectrophotometrical diagnostics in biology and medicine" and has received the official certificate on the training.
By the order of the director of institute No. 435 from 09.27.2010 in MONIKI on the background of the Faculty of improvement of doctors' qualification and our laboratory it is created and has started to function the Branch (subsidiary) of the Scientific-Educational center (SEC) of the Oryol State Technical University (OSTU) "Biomedical engineering".
On Monday 13.09.2010 the meeting of the head of laboratory Sci. Dr. Rogatkin D.A. with representatives of MSTU named after N.E. Bauman - the first pro-rector on scientific work, Sci. Dr., prof. Gavrjushin S.S. and the head of MSTU's department "Robotic systems", Sci. Dr., prof. Juschenko A.S. - on the cooperation in the field of creation of medical robots has taken place.
In June 2010 under the aegis of Association of Medical Physicists of Russian Federation the III-rd EuroAsian Congress on medical physics and engineering “Medical physics - 2010” took place in Moscow State University. See details on www.medphys-congress.ru
Our new medical technology "Express method of diagnostics of a lead intoxication at workers" has got an official registration from Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development of Russian Federation(Roszdravnadzor).
Multifunctional laser noninvasive diagnostic system "LAKK-M" (MLNDS "LAKK-M"), developed together with SPE "LAZMA" Ltd. Co. on the basis of the results of 2000-2006 scientific researches of MONIKI, on November 05th 2009 has received the registration certificate of Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development (Roszdravnadzor).