The printed issue No.2 of our journal "Almanac of clinical medicine" for 2016 saw the light. For the first time in the history of the journal this issue was entirely devoted to the modern medical physics and biophysics..
In early April, the delegation of MONIKI with the participation of representatives of the laboratory at the invitation of the University of St Andrews (Scotland) and Imperial College London (England) made a visit to the UK.
According to the results of grading assessment of research of scientific divisions in the Institute for 2015, our laboratory has won first place in MONIKI, gaining the most points.
Our detailed analytical review on modern data of neuroscience about functioning of the brain of humans and animals was recently published. It can be found in PDF here (Russian version only, sorry).
On the 27th June, Russian Research Institute of Livestock named after prof. L.K. Ernst, which is located in the village Dubrovitsi (Podolsk district, Moscow Region), has hosted the spring final of "U.M.N.I.K." program by Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology. Based on evaluation of project presentations, jury of experts selected 17 attendees who will gain a grant provided by the Foundation. One of them was our employee - Grachik Egoyan - our young researcher with his project «Development of criteria of biophysical and optical properties of tissues for robot-assisted surgery and regenerative medicine». Congratulations!
Russian Foundation for basic research supported our joint with the Moscow Institute of physics and technology (MIPT) and the National research centre "Kurchatov Institute" (NRC "Kurchatov Institute") fundamental research project of young scientists (Proj. No. 15-32-20429) "Study of the penetration of silver nanoparticles through the blood-brain barrier and its impact on the cognitive function of mammals with regard to gender differences" under the leadership of Ph.D. A. Demin. We congratulate the leader of the project and all participants!
On Friday 13th (!) February in the frame of the partnership with the "SKOLKOVO" Foundation in MONIKI hosted a workshop with Foundation's representatives for selection of MONIKI's research projects to submit them to biomedical cluster of the Foundation. The project of our laboratory was voted as the best!
We congratulate our young technician Irina Guseva on a victory in the competition ending "UMNIK-2014" ["CLEVER MAN 2014"], which was organised by Fund of assistance to development of small forms of the enterprises in scientific and technical sphere ("FASIE")!
On Monday 15th September the Scientific Council of MONIKI took place, on which the 5-year report by the head of laboratory Dr. D.Rogatkin "On scientific, educational and organizational-methodical work of the laboratory of medical physics research for the period 2009-2013" was considered. The work of the laboratory was recognized as satisfactory. The decision to expand the laboratory was advised and adopted.
From June 2nd to June 6th in Troitsk (Moscow) there took place the next VI Troitsk conference "Medical Physics and Innovations in Medicine" (TCMPH-6). With laboratory participation the 5 reports that made about 2% of all reports presented at conference were submitted.
We won a new grant of the Russian Foundation of Basic Research! The Fund has supported our new project "Scientific and engineering bases of formation of internal model of the world of the service medical robot"