Laboratory research staff, led by the Scientific Secretary of the Institute, Ph.D., associate professor Dmitry Alexandrovich Kulikov, won two new grants for 2020-2021. Congratulations!
At the end of 2019 two our researchers - Irina Raznitsyna and Polina Glazkova - were awarded the Prize of the Governor of the Moscow Region in the field of science and innovation for young scientists and specialists. Congratulations!
On July 3, 2019, in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, our research assistant Andrey Tarasov successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (PhD) in Optics. His work "Luminescence of ZnO microstructures and the effect of surface plasmon resonance and magnetic field on it" was given a high rating by the dissertation committee. Congratulations!
In St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" the dissertation was defended by the researcher of our laboratory Denis Lapitan for the degree of candidate of technical sciences - Ph.D. Title of the study: "Development of the hardware-software system for functional diagnostics of the blood microcirculation system" The decision of the dissertation council - unanimously positive! Congratulations!
January 1, 2019, our laboratory turned 10 years old! Congratulations! Happy birthday, our Lab! On Monday, January 21, 2019, the Scientific Council of MONIKI was held, at which the annual 5-year report by the head of the laboratory Dr. Dmitry Rogatkin "On the scientific, educational and organizational and methodological work of the laboratory of medical and physical research for the period 2014-2018" was considered.
Approbation of the dissertation by the research fellow Denis Lapitan on the topic: “Development of the hardware-software equipment for functional diagnostics of the blood microcirculation system” for the Ph.D. degree of the specialty 05.11.17 has successfully passed. Congratulations!
Our laboratory research team headed by Ph.D., Scientific Secretary of the MONIKI Dmitry Kulikov won a grant of the main RFBR competition (project No. 18-02-00564) on the topic: "Development of criteria for the diagnosis of skin fibrosis based on optical methods." Congratulations!
International workshop "Medical photonics for diagnostics and therapy" was held in MONIKI on 27 Dec 2017 with the participation of laboratory's employees.
Research seminar was held in the laboratory on results of completed RFBR grants on the subject of medical service robots. Head of laboratory, Ph.D., Sc. Dr Dmitry Rogatkin presented an overview of the main results of research groups in MONIKI on these projects for 2012-2016.
The main part of the R&D innovative Project "Development of a prototype of the multispectral optical system for identification and assessment of a condition of soft tissues" supported by Grant of the Moscow Regional Government for the execution of research, scientific-technical and innovative projects on the basis of the List of topics for scientific research and development, approved by the decree of the Government of Moscow Region from 03.03.2016 No. 158/7 "On approval of the List of topics for scientific research and development in 2016" has been completed successfully.
A contract was signed with FSUE VNIIOFI about the organization of a 5-year scientific and technical cooperation in the field of Metrology of methods and devices for noninvasive medical spectrophotometry.